The goal is to set weekly targets in line with your “bigger” targets/goals, but also keep them simple enough where you’re excited to cross them off the list from your Tulsa Personal Trainer.

I call it “simple success swinging singles”.

Being committed to getting up every single day and doing the work necessary to get the desired outcomes and goals.

What are you committing to this week from what Tulsa Personal Trainer will make you do??

I challenge you to sit down and get crystal clear on what you want… and take the steps to make it happen.

Create a system that sets you up for success. You’re welcome to use mine if you want.

If you’d like to learn more about CORE4 or anything else I can help you with, email me back and let me know. I’m thinking about doing a free seminar teaching in-depth, the art & science behind CORE4 and the strategies to best apply it so you can truly create what we call in WARRIOR “having it all”.

Hit me up and let me know if you’d be interested in working with us because our Tulsa Personal Trainer are the best.

“I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.
– Jim Rohn

Change and results are possible… but you must have a plan and system for success with our Tulsa Personal Trainer.

Let’s make it happen!

Clint Howard, your Tulsa personal training expert

Positive Focus
I hope you had an awesome weekend!

Mine was pretty uneventful as I was laid up all weekend recovering from my sinus surgery last week.

The pain and swelling is going away and the worse part now is having to still “take it easy” and not workout for a couple more weeks!! UGGHH!!

I workout regularly for many reasons- some being just to feel better and for stress relief. So not being able to workout right now is causing more stress and not relieving stress so it’s a double whammy!

But, luckily I’ve got other daily methods of stress release and ways of creating space in my mind.

I’ve talked about meditation in the past and the benefits I get from it. If you’re not already meditating regularly- DO IT!! Enough said.

Another secret weapon I use is something called Positive Focus, and this is something our Tulsa Personal Trainer offers.
Positive Focus has 4 parts-
1. What:
2. Why:
3. Lesson:
4. Apply:

WHAT happened?
WHY is it a positive?
What’s the LESSON I can extract from it?
How I can APPLY this lesson across all 4 areas of my life (Body, Being, Balance, Business) ie CORE4.
Positive focus teaches me to slow down and focus, reframe the meaning of what happened, extract a principle of living, expand in all 4 dimensions.
It reminds me daily to learn lessons from life. Life has it’s ups and downs, it’s highs and lows. We get so caught up in day to day tasks and activities that we don’t take the time out to simply learn about ourselves and the things that happen in our lives.

Train your mind to see the good in every situation.

The next time you experience a setback, find one lesson from it and how it makes you ready for a comeback! That’s what I’m already planning after coming off this surgery and to come back even stronger.

Try using positive focus in your life and see how it works for you!

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Clint Howard, your Tulsa personal training expert

Sunday Planning Checklist, Clarity Creates Power
If you think of your own life, when things are going well and you are feeling strong and healthy, you become more vibrant and radiant. You have that extra confidence and swag from your Tulsa Personal Trainer.

If we don’t have this, we start to have negative self-talk. And we begin saying things like:
“Now isn’t the right time.”
“I’m too busy.”
“I don’t have enough money right now.”
“I’m too young.”
“I’m too old.”
“I am over qualified.”
“I am under-qualified.”
“What if I fail?”
“What if someone gets mad at me?”
blah blah blah…….

And the excuses go on and on. And they are robbing you of YOU being the best version of you.

How can we fix this?

Something that I do personally that may help you is the Sunday Planning Checklist.

I do this for all areas of my life but here is how to easily implement it for your health, fitness, & nutrition…..

1. Schedule your workout training sessions for this week and put them on your calendar
2. Plan out your nutrition and food prep. Plan for any parties, functions, travel, etc.
3. Review and assess what worked for you last week and what didn’t, and why.
4. Write down your successes from last week and your challenges/struggles, and lessons learned from them
5. Set your weekly goals and targets for this week
This process can be done in 15-20 minutes. Once you start doing this you get CLARITY and with clarity comes PURPOSE and POWER.

Instead of living by the mantra “Ready…AIM…AIM…AIM…” and never even firing, I have a different mantra I live by… Ready…FIRE…Aim!!!

That’s called taking ACTION. And ACTION leads to RESULTS!

I’m here to help you, hold you accountable, and give you some tough love and a swift kick in the butt occasionally if needed, whatever it takes!
Let me know if you need any extra help, accountability, coaching, etc.

Clint Howard, your Tulsa personal training expert

Pain is a great teacher, quotes from a legend

Hope your week is rockin’ and you’ve got all the leftover Halloween candy out of the house!

I’ve spent the last few hours getting propel mesh packing pulled out from the inside of my sinuses and face with a pair of 12-inch needle-nose pliers up my nose, then on to the chiropractor to get my psoas (hip flexors) groin, and glutes palpated, and seemingly tortured while working on muscle activation and ironing out some muscle imbalances I have.

Lots of fun if torture was my idea of fun.